Who We Are
We’re reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations you know and trust, working together to expand abortion access.
We, a broad coalition of reproductive rights, health, and justice organizations, envision a future where abortion is legal as well as accessible, affordable, and free from criminalization, stigma, or fear. Where everyone is supported in getting the care they want, no matter who they are, how much money they have, where they live, or where they come from.
This vision won’t be achieved overnight. That’s why we are coming together to build and lead a broad, inclusive vision for abortion access and coverage over the next decade. We’re collaborating and engaging in meaningful conversations with supporters, providers, and federal policymakers to craft durable legislation to address the crises our communities have been facing.
In the two years since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending nearly 50 years of precedent that established the federal constitutional right to abortion in the United States (U.S.), 22 states have enforced abortion bans or restrictions that are wreaking havoc on people’s lives. Millions of people across the country do not have abortion services available in their communities. Many cannot afford to travel, pay for child care, and pay for care out of pocket. Furthermore, people living in states with abortion bans are experiencing the multiple and compounding ramifications of these bans, from denied emergency abortion care, further accelerating our country’s maternal mortality crisis, to denied care for chronic health conditions and an exodus of reproductive health providers.
Steering committee members